Thursday, January 9, 2014


When hope seems lost, When friends and loved ones seems to be gone, when a child have nothing called future to look forward to, no one to lean on, when life seems so meaningless in a world where children are abused daily, who will be the hope to the hopeless and the help to the helpless? 

You and I have a part to play to make this world a better place, you and I have the power to make a change for nothing is truly impossible to him who believes nothing in this world can take the place of hope, when hope seems lost and nothing in this world makes sense any longer, listen the the voice within, the voice of hope that breeds life to the lifeless and grace to the one without help, truly their is a friend that sticks closer than a brother, one that loves children and hates abuse, He said 'Let the children come unto me for such is the kingdom of heaven" He never despise a child, you should you. This is your call to make this world a better place. 

You and I can make this change together, say no to child molestation, say NO to child abuse be a part of these change that we have been looking for, rest your mind in the hope that is from above, help a child around you, even if you are not the biological parent as long as the power lies in your hand make the worlkd a better place it begins with what you do, what you say, your opinion about children now is your opportunity to do what Heaven and Humanity will never forget...give today to JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION no matter what we say education is the only key and access to a better tomorrow, visit us on 15TH Street Sinkor, Monrovia Liberia behind Royal Ground Hotel. You and I can make these world a better place.

EZEKIEL EHIZOJIE MOSES (THE EDGE CONSULTING) Consultant for JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION. You can log on to my log @, Log on to our facebook page jcf4be/facebook or send us a mail, as to how you can help today.

                SAY YES TO OUR FUTURE!

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