Thursday, January 16, 2014


These are innocent children, victimized by the society that is suppose to protect them. Can a kingdom stand when it is divided against itself? Feel the pain here the heart cry millions of children around the world dying of sickness and diseases daily, malaria, societal pressure, illiteracy and many more.

These are the leaders of tomorrow, theses are the future of our nation but when a nation stands against its future she might as well destroy tomorrow today. Children are the heritage of God, the fruit of the womb is its reward, do we some times take a minute to think about what the future holds for our children? What is a nation without a future, what is a family without protection, mothers and children become vulnerable when the fathers are distracted in corruption, heart sealed with iron, no emotions, no sympathy, we are the world we are the future, we are the children, we are the builders of the nation tomorrow is our time but today we need so that all things may work together for our good and child abuse will no longer be heard in our land.
This could have been you! Can you feel the pain of these children? Can you imagine what the future could have been for them? You owe your world a responsibility, where is their father? We at JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION are mindful about these children, we are committed to taking children out of the street, give them quality education, buy them books so they don't pick up a gun. The society will be unsafe for us no matter the high fenses we build around our big mansions if we do nothing about the future of these children. 

He could have been a Doctor, he could have been a Lawyer but for the society, the same society that should have been responsible for this education is responsible for his corruption. What will the world become if we all fold our arms and watch, refuse to do nothing or support people who are busy trying to fix the wrong of the society and contribute their quota for the betterment of all. Your $1 will go a long way. Our achievement is uncommon, without a single sponsor we have taken 85 children out of the street, imagine what we can and will do when we get your support.

Liberia needs you, Africa needs you together we can make a change, a change that ,makes the difference we are the light but if we refuse to shine our world will be in darkness. Together we can end the war, the war that has taken many innocent lives, the war between the society and innocent children if you join JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION yes we must...yes we can...and yes we will!

Join us now, join us today, give us a call: 23177 5597 336 send us an E-mail:, visit our school @ 15th Street Sinkor Monrovia Liberia. 

Save tomorrow by helping a child today, you can give scholarship to a child or two as many as you can, whatever you give will be duely accounted for. God bless you for your love and support.


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