Saturday, January 25, 2014


Live in Monrovia Liberia? Can't afford school fees or basic education for your children? This is your opportunity, JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION is offering free basic education to children, you too can benefit from this exceptional offer, it is totally free no hidden charges, this is an offer meant to better the lives of the citizens of Liberia or foreign residents who have the desire to go to school or be educated.

Make a move right now all you have to do is come to 15th Street Sinkor, and you will be duly admitted, we guarantee you quality basic education, from all the children at JACKSON FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION we say, thank you for giving every child the opportunity to be educated, say no to gender inequality, give love to every child cause in them lies the future! 

"We are hope of Liberia, we are the future of this land" an excapt from our school anthem at JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION we offer ...better education for better tomorrow!


As an organization that is children friendly we are glad about the love and favor of God upon Jackson Foundation For Better Education, many bridges and obstacles no doubt, the journey to greatness is often not smooth but only those that patiently wait for the inheritance and promises of God that attains success.

We started out broke, indeed without any fund but with the vision and desire to impact lives and provide free education for less privileged children here in Liberia. The needs of our society is so obvious especially after the war experience, Liberia is an evolving nation and without education the hopes of a better future may just be mere wishes.

All glory to God and thanks to our voluntary teachers, right now we have 85 students in our school. This is a remarkable achievement amidst financial challenges. We don't have any sponsorship yet but to the glory of God we have been able to register this foundation under the Liberian Government.

We are currently seeking helkp for office space and school venue beacuse where we are right now on 15th Street Sinkor is not conducive and can not even contain the number of students we have needless to talk about more prospective students who want to join our school.

Currently we are working on a documentary for JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION it is an amazing experience, sure you will be delighted to see it.

From me James Jackson, "founder" JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION I want to say, feel free to come to our aid any way you can. As a foundation we need you and God will reward whatever you give. Feel free you call us or come to our school venue right behind Royal Grand Hotel on 15th Street Sinkor, Monrovia Liberia, send us a mail @ we will be glad to see you or hear from you.

Please join us in this call, say no to child abuse! Thank you for your love and support for JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION we will always be grateful to God for you!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


We are teachers and students of JACKSON FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION we want to thank you for visiting our blog, keep visiting this blog, keep prying for us and children around the world and keep supporting JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION thank you for your love and care, God BLESS YOU!


I am a student of JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION I don't know what the future would have been for me without JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION my parent are poor and can't afford to pay my school fees but that still is no a good enough excuses for me to fail. What the future holds is great but JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION (JCF) brings out the best in me and give me hope that money can't buy. For my country Liberia I can only thank God for JCF for giving me the golden opportunity to be educated regardless of evident poverty.
We are children of JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION sometimes we learn to have fun, we are children and we deserve the best. Nothing can stop what the future holds for us, nothing can stop JCF not even funds, we know you care, we know God has a plan what we will be nothing can change. Every child deserves the best regardless of family or financial background and that's what JCF stands for, they help children whose parents are poor and can't afford basic education. Education no doubt is the key to the future, education is the best legacy, education is light, education is the way that's why we can't stop thanking God for JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION, here we get better education for a better tomorrow.
We are children of JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION with a humble beginning yet with a great future. We are growing daily 85 students now to the glory of God. We believe in God, we believe in Liberia, we believe in Africa, we believe in our parent regardless of the situation they face we believe in our teachers who are toiling day and night to make us better citizens of our nation and we believe in you our friends and loved ones all around the world, we know you are praying for us and will do something about our future no matter how small.

To every child in the world we are your friends, please listen to Dad and Mom and most importantly your teachers your education is very important, be good be kind and be obedient, bad friends will make you regret in life we hope you are doing fine from we and are class mates at JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION we want to say we LOVE YOU!

Happy Birthday to you if you were born in the month of January, thank to all our friends, family and loved ones, a big thank you to our principal Mr. JAMES JACKSON you are the reason we have hope and are confident about tomorrow, forever we will always love appreciate and thank God for JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION!


These are innocent children, victimized by the society that is suppose to protect them. Can a kingdom stand when it is divided against itself? Feel the pain here the heart cry millions of children around the world dying of sickness and diseases daily, malaria, societal pressure, illiteracy and many more.

These are the leaders of tomorrow, theses are the future of our nation but when a nation stands against its future she might as well destroy tomorrow today. Children are the heritage of God, the fruit of the womb is its reward, do we some times take a minute to think about what the future holds for our children? What is a nation without a future, what is a family without protection, mothers and children become vulnerable when the fathers are distracted in corruption, heart sealed with iron, no emotions, no sympathy, we are the world we are the future, we are the children, we are the builders of the nation tomorrow is our time but today we need so that all things may work together for our good and child abuse will no longer be heard in our land.
This could have been you! Can you feel the pain of these children? Can you imagine what the future could have been for them? You owe your world a responsibility, where is their father? We at JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION are mindful about these children, we are committed to taking children out of the street, give them quality education, buy them books so they don't pick up a gun. The society will be unsafe for us no matter the high fenses we build around our big mansions if we do nothing about the future of these children. 

He could have been a Doctor, he could have been a Lawyer but for the society, the same society that should have been responsible for this education is responsible for his corruption. What will the world become if we all fold our arms and watch, refuse to do nothing or support people who are busy trying to fix the wrong of the society and contribute their quota for the betterment of all. Your $1 will go a long way. Our achievement is uncommon, without a single sponsor we have taken 85 children out of the street, imagine what we can and will do when we get your support.

Liberia needs you, Africa needs you together we can make a change, a change that ,makes the difference we are the light but if we refuse to shine our world will be in darkness. Together we can end the war, the war that has taken many innocent lives, the war between the society and innocent children if you join JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION yes we must...yes we can...and yes we will!

Join us now, join us today, give us a call: 23177 5597 336 send us an E-mail:, visit our school @ 15th Street Sinkor Monrovia Liberia. 

Save tomorrow by helping a child today, you can give scholarship to a child or two as many as you can, whatever you give will be duely accounted for. God bless you for your love and support.


Thursday, January 9, 2014


When hope seems lost, When friends and loved ones seems to be gone, when a child have nothing called future to look forward to, no one to lean on, when life seems so meaningless in a world where children are abused daily, who will be the hope to the hopeless and the help to the helpless? 

You and I have a part to play to make this world a better place, you and I have the power to make a change for nothing is truly impossible to him who believes nothing in this world can take the place of hope, when hope seems lost and nothing in this world makes sense any longer, listen the the voice within, the voice of hope that breeds life to the lifeless and grace to the one without help, truly their is a friend that sticks closer than a brother, one that loves children and hates abuse, He said 'Let the children come unto me for such is the kingdom of heaven" He never despise a child, you should you. This is your call to make this world a better place. 

You and I can make this change together, say no to child molestation, say NO to child abuse be a part of these change that we have been looking for, rest your mind in the hope that is from above, help a child around you, even if you are not the biological parent as long as the power lies in your hand make the worlkd a better place it begins with what you do, what you say, your opinion about children now is your opportunity to do what Heaven and Humanity will never forget...give today to JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION no matter what we say education is the only key and access to a better tomorrow, visit us on 15TH Street Sinkor, Monrovia Liberia behind Royal Ground Hotel. You and I can make these world a better place.

EZEKIEL EHIZOJIE MOSES (THE EDGE CONSULTING) Consultant for JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION. You can log on to my log @, Log on to our facebook page jcf4be/facebook or send us a mail, as to how you can help today.

                SAY YES TO OUR FUTURE!


It's a new year, our hope rises like the wave of the sea, sprinking forth from the rivers of living waters. These are the leaders of tomorrow, young, vibrant, full of potentials hopes and aspirations. This is our joy the reson we exist as a non profiting oragniosation. 

Our on a field of play, the joy the exietments the hopes that beams out of them makes our world go round. We may not have money to give but education which is the best legacy is what can prepare these young leaders for a better tomorrow, join us today, you too can partner with us, you can...yes you can give hope to a hopeless child these may the called the dregs of the society but if none does anything about their future the will be potential problem for you and I to bear tomorrow. 

Join JACKSON CHILDREN FOUNDATION FOR BETTER EDUCATION to give hope to a child. Reach into your bowels of mercy, do something, do it now, nothing is too small. You can visit our school we resumed on Monday to Friday at 15th Street Sinkor, Monrovia Liberia. Pay us a visit, we will be glad to see you. Guess what? Our school attendance has increased from 56 before vacation to 80 currently. 

Our goal is to be able to take at least 150 children out of the street before March 2014 your support will make this a reality.

                  If you don't help us who will?