Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Hello everyone, my name is Ezekiel Moses from The Edge Consulting  here with Mr James Jackson the founder of Jackson Children Foundation For Better Education, sir we heard a lot about what you have been doing for children in Liberia what eactly promted these vision why children and nothing else?

Mr Jackson: Children have always been my passion for years now I've been to every County in Liberia it pains my heart when i see children suffer, out of school , i believe the children are the future, they deserve the best where education is concerned no matter their family background, we want to take them out of the street and give them a future.

Ezekiel Moses: Wow! Thats a big one please tell me about your school how did it start?

Mr. Jackson: Before now for years i have gone round meeting people to help where the foundatyion is concerned but no help came in, to the glory of God i was able to talk to some one who gave us a space right now we have 25 students in class, we have four voluntary teachers who are willing to impact knowledge in these great destinies, we dont have any sponsor yet but we keep moving.

Ezekiel Moses: what are your projections for the future?

Mr. Jackson: we hope to improve on our current facility, right now we are still in need of text books, books, chairs, tables, and a lot of administrative materials. We hope to be able to accomodate at least 100 students in the next three months.

Ezezkiel Moses: Sir what do you have to say to prospective partners?

Mr. Jackson: Everyone is welcome to be a part of Jackson Children Foundation, we hope to give every child a better education for a better future, nothing is too small to support us in cash or in kinds. you can call us on 231776178217 or 231886482867, you can also visit our facebook pagejcf4be/ facebook or come to our school at 15th Street Sinkor, behind Royal Grand Hotel, Monrovia Liberia.

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